I met Chris Guillebeau, the writer, entrepreneur and world traveler at the 2013 World Domination Summit (WDS) held annually in Portland, Oregon. Chris is also the producer and host of the summit. Chris's passion and commitment to living life fully and living the life you were meant to live resonated with me, and I knew I had to be there.
Every summer, thousands of people travel to Portland for an immersive experience in life, work, adventure, and travel. I met amazing people who love to travel and are helping make the world a better place.
One of the events on the first day was setting out to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the "Longest Floating Human Chain." More than 700 of us met down at the Williamette River, grabbed our life jacket and inner tube, and prepared to form two straight lines while holding hands. As I waited my turn in line, I saw Chris. He was walking around, shaking hands, helping coordinate the flow of people. He was speaking to someone and I stood off to the side. When he looked over his shoulder and saw me, I put my hand out...and he looked right into my eyes, smiled and shook my hand. I introduced myself and thanked him for holding this amazing event and how excited I was to participate in the summit. He was casual and attentive and thanked me for coming.
When I returned home, I began Speaking of Travel as a way to incorporate my love of travel and adventure with a portal for great story telling from others who have unique travel stories. There is no doubt travel opens our minds and hearts.
Last month, Chris accepted my invitation to be a guest on my radio show and I spoke with him about travel and life and passion. He is truly a charming and friendly person and we talked as if we were friends, because we really are. No one can come away from WDS and not feel connected to this community.
Check out worlddominationsummit.com. Make a plan to get yourself to Portland next summer!
Remember... Don't Postpone Joy !