Following Your Joy With Jacquelyn Armour

”I believe when your eyes and mind are open you receive more from the world.”

Jacquelyn Armour wants to share the world through the eyes of someone who has wandered the streets of 90 countries, learning about herself and life along the way.

She believes when your eyes and mind are open you receive more from the world. In October 2021 she published her first travel memoir, Follow Your Joy.

The memoir focuses on how she lives her life by following the feeling of joy.

She believes the outcome we seek is never the destination or the goal, but is the journey we take when we do the stuff that brings us joy. Find out more information on her site,

A big Thank You for sharing your story with Speaking of Travel!

By Jacquelyn Armour:

In July 2020, I headed towards the country that would become known as my ‘number 90’.

A girl from a small town on the west coast of Scotland making her way to one of the smallest countries in the world – San Marino. There wasn’t even a stamp on my passport to show.

Travelling the world grants you 90 countries’ worth of perspectives, at least 90 new stories, and endless obstacles to tackle and overcome. It feeds your imagination with far-flung adventure and turns what was once your dreams into memories.

What advice would I share with anyone interested in being part of the game called ‘Travelling the World’?

Lie-ins are not something to collect. Be curious. Embrace it all… and remember, everything is figure-out-able, as coined by Marie Forleo in her 2019 book.

I embraced the space, and quiet, of the second half of 2020 to reflect on my travels. Like many people, I’ve asked myself that deep question, “what is this thing called life all about?”

For me, it isn’t working the 9 to 5 existence to pay the bills or settling in a life where society’s blueprint directs you. It’s certainly not wishing away your week where Monday to Friday is merely existing, and weekends are a blur mainly with booze filled regrets. Then to repeat it all again – focusing on a break in the circuit when you embark on a summer holiday. I believe every day is a day where we make a choice to be happy, to make a difference, and see the joy in the simple things.

My first travel memoir ‘Follow Your Joy’ is an ode to learning about myself and discovering the joy of life along the way. These are some of the life lessons I’ve learned along the way that I want to share with you.

#1 There are many adventures waiting for you

Traveling has taught me the world is a playground, it is an adventure waiting for you to leap into. There are endless possibilities waiting for you if you quiet the doubts and fears, if you tear up the blueprint, and if you remove the boundaries, labels, and expectations we restrict ourselves with. How many people prevent themselves from that dream trip, or ticking off the bucket item list all down to an excuse, or that killer statement “maybe next year?” What happens if there is no next year?  

When you travel and go after your goals, you slowly wake up and realise you can design your own life and happiness!

#2 Material possessions don’t equal happiness

We are conditioned in the Western world to strive for more: a bigger house, the latest car, job promotions, and all the designer gear. Most things are disposable. Your dinner one click away. We chase likes and followers, selfies layered with filters as everyone tries to out compete each other. In the East, life is simpler. Meals made from the food grown from the land, things happen when they happen. There is an appreciation for each day.  What will be, will be.

#3 Appreciate the small stuff

Travelling taught me to enjoy the day to day, the small stuff. The fresh cup of coffee, the smile as you catch someone’s eye, a sunrise run as you feel the energy of the day rise. 

#4 We create our own future

No one is going to come along, hold your hand and walk you through life. 

You need a plan, an idea, and if you don’t know where to start then figure out the things that make you happy. From that place, you can start creating your future. 

#5 We need to take some chances in life to be happy

Life isn’t about sitting at home on your couch surfing Netflix or scrolling through Instagram waiting for bedtime. It is about being curious, exploring and feeling alive. Through travelling I have learned that we need to take chances, go with the flow and connect with people. We are all on the same path and have more in common than we like to admit.  Try new things out – as stepping out of your comfort zone is when you will feel the most alive. 

#6 Don’t take life too seriously

I’ve realised people can be serious – way too serious, always fearing the worst. I prefer to be playful. When did the world get serious? People allow a two-week holiday to be ruined by a one-hour flight delay. Life isn’t perfect, it is raw and filled with hurdles. Don’t live your life expecting everything to be perfect. It isn’t. We set our expectations too high. One of my favourite things on a trip is to enjoy the sunset. It is that time of the day where you pause and reflect. Appreciate life and nature. 

#7 Follow your joy and live in the moment

Travelling taught me that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. We overestimate what we can accomplish in one year, and underestimate what we can achieve in 10 years. 

Start living today. Wake up and be grateful. Try something new. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Live life in the moment and remove the seriousness from life. 

Be present, be connected, be motivated, be curious, be you.  Life is a gift.

Open your eyes, switch off auto pilot, and experience more of the stuff that gives you goosebumps – that is when you know you are alive. Or put simply - follow your joy.