Protecting Against Covid-19


The Coronavirus (now called Covid-19) is transmitted by airborne droplets. The World Health Organization recommends avoiding close contact with people suffering from a fever and cough. But when traveling by airline, cruise ship, and public transportation, we have very little control of our immediate environment. Here are some tips for how to manage being in close quarters with other travelers:

First: Keep an alcohol-based hand rub in your pocket, and wash your hands as often as possible when moving through transportation hubs. For airline travel, pick up some hand-sanitizer wet wipes. This limits the amount of liquids you're carrying. In addition to cleaning your hands, these can be used to wipe down the arm rests and tray. 


Secondly: Avoid touching your face: especially your nose, mouth and eyes. You can carry a small supply of face masks that will cover your nose and mouth. There are many different types of masks, so ask your local pharmacist for recommendations. If you've decided to wear your mask, you need to assume that the outside of the mask is now contaminated. Once you've put on the mask, avoid touching it. You should learn proper technique for taking off your mask - do not just tuck it back into your bag. Place disposable masks directly in the trash once you've reached a lavatory where you can wash your hands after removing the mask.

Whether traveling or not, it's always a good idea to get plenty of rest, and to eat healthy foods. It's easy to get run down when traveling, and that makes us more susceptible to infection. 

Finally, if you become sick while you're traveling, you should inform the crew, and seek medical care. For more information, visit the World Health Organization website for the latest updates and recommendations on Covid-19.

 Thanks to the good people at Global Med Travel for this important health travel tip.