Keep Italy On Your Radar!

We MUST never stop dreaming of travel to Italy! We will rebound!!

From Mark Gordon Smith of Private Italy Tours:

Like a storm over Riomaggiore on the Cinque Terre coast, we have all experienced a kind of shadow when considering a return to Italy following the onset of COVID-19. 

The days ahead will reveal the ultimate resolution of this worldwide epidemic, yet I would ask you to keep some things in mind: 

  • Italy will open its borders when it can and, with the sure diminution of this virus, will begin to welcome visitors back with gratitude and humility. The impact of this situation on tourism cannot be minimized. Guides, hotels, restaurants and other providers of service will surely do all they can to provide the easiest possible way to return to visit sights, sounds and tastes of the Italian culture.

  • Remember those in positions of responsibility must act in a manner which balances the potential risk of infection with the sure knowledge the financial impact of the losses incurred are enormous.

  • We expect the worst of this event will end by early summer; we hope that by midsummer, in most cases, a sense of normalcy will return to travel across Europe.

In the interim, what can you do?

  • If you have been planning a trip to Italy, don't give up.

  • Consider traveling during October, November 2020, or the spring/summer of 2021. 

  • Get travel insurance that protects you from cancellations. Purchase any travel insurance policy with a great deal of care; pay attention to what insurance companies accept as a basis upon which to cancel. An "Act of God" is not usually a valid reason to cancel a trip. If you truly have concerns about possible infections by such a virus, or your health is currently tenuous, then don't go; postpone your trip until 2021.

  • Look for offered special discounts from tour operators. The largest tour operators, and numerous small ones, will surely offer discounts to entice travelers. Villa companies will offer some form of incentive to book villas.

  • If you have already placed a deposit for a villa or tour in Italy, discuss options with your villa company or tour operator to rebook later with no, or minor, penalties.

  • Airlines. Call, and be patient when calling. This is probably not the best time to purchase a ticket from a ticket re-seller. Given the vagaries of the situation, getting a refund once a ticket is issued, or getting through to a representative, may prove more frustrating that it is worth. Airlines are starting to match fares you find through online services. Ask for a matching fare and you may meet with success.

Most importantly of all: COME BACK TO ITALY! This spiritual land is a second home for so many travelers, a haven of peace, culture, food, wine and life.

We stand ready, today and always, to assist you in any way.

As I have often said over the years, "It doesn't matter how you go to Italy, but GO!"