Leap Frog Tours is a Trusted Name for Great Tours


I’ve lived in Western North Carolina for four decades and am always amazed at how little I know about my own community. So going on tours with Leap Frog Tours is helping me uncover stories and details of places right in my own backyard and making them come alive!

Choosing Leap Frog Tours means I’m directly supporting the local economy and people, helping to preserve the region for future visitors. And I love that about them!


 I had the best time on Asheville’s first Hemp Tour. Leap Frog Tours partnered with Franny’s Farm and we spent time learning about hemp and CBD. Our tour guide, Mark, is an amazing source of information on everything you need to know about the local hemp culture and we had an authentic and rewarding experience learning all about this new, emerging industry.

The tour ended at Bhramari Brewing Company for the launch of Franny’s Farmhouse Ale and the group bonded over a good brew. I would highly recommend taking this awesome tour!


Then I went on their RiverLink Tour to explore what’s going on in the River Arts area these days. I remember when RiverLink was established in 1987. The nonprofit was conceived at the Asheville Chamber of Commerce at a time when the French Broad and downtown Asheville was not an attractive place and the RAD was mostly a junkyard and a dumping area for trash.

 Today, thanks to visionaries like Karen Cragnolin, the innovative and restorative projects on our riverfront are creating a place for recreation and preservation for generations to come. I found out details about the history of the river I never knew, and what RiverLink is doing today and planning for the future.


 Garrett Artz, Executive Director of RiverLink and our tour guide, Mark, are both knowledgeable about the French Broad River and treated us to stories and history that came alive.

This time, the tour concluded at New Belgium Brewery for more fun. Our group hung out and chatted and we all had a wonderful experience!

 Regardless of whether you live in Western North Carolina, have guests in town or if you’re a visitor to this beautiful region of the world, there is a lot to see and do!

And going with Leap Frog Tours is the perfect way to create memories while traveling in their comfortable vans, with expert guides who have a deep knowledge of the history, geography, culture and traditions of the area and share them in an engaging and entertaining way.