Unpack 16 Personalities With Nina Zapala: A 2020 Resolution for Self Growth


Happy New Year! Travel expert Nina Zapala explains how to unpack 16 travel personalities for a 2020 New Year's resolution for self-growth.

Unpacking travel personality types, your personal truth, may be the smartest New Year's resolution you'll make. So why not begin the new year with a new outlook?

How many resolutions have you kept over the years? We probably can all say we’ve dropped more than we've kept. So why is personality typing its own resolution for self-growth?

According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. What exactly goes wrong in this process? Many say resolutions don’t work because:

  • They are too vague.

  • There is not enough understanding. What’s the why behind the resolution?

  • We might not know who we truly are.

  • The resolutions may not be relevant.

  • Or maybe we’re just not ready for a change.

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves crafting goals and then try really hard to achieve them. A question to ponder… Have you identified your genuine self to know what you really need for self-growth and self-acceptance? This question is essential for keeping and achieving successful resolutions.

Many of us will read a “tip list” for 2020 resolutions, get a few ideas, and think, “Hey, this one sounds good. I’ll give it a try.” Well, what if this program doesn’t resonate with your personality type? Epic Fail!  

Learn more how travel triggers can inspire self-growth by visiting Nina’s blog.