Couples: How to Avoid Ugly Fighting While On Vacation By Nina Zapala

Have you ever experienced ugly fighting on vacation with your partner? You know what I mean, red-faced screaming, batting insults like a rapid-fire game of ping-pong? Or even worse, creating a dramatic scene? Do you dread traveling with your husband/wife because all you do is fight? Have ‘couple trips’ become stressful?

I wonder, are couples choosing solo vacations because of vacation incompatibility, or do they just not want to be together anymore?

This makes me sad. Because I believe, if couples intimately know their personalities and take time to understand their spouse’s unique personality traits, vacations can become transformational and may even deepen the relationship.


OK, let’s face it, even the most enlightened, happy, and in-love couples are bound to have a spat or two. I believe this is normal and healthy.

It’s when fighting escalates and gets ugly. Then you have an issue. 

Getting to know one another’s personality type on a deeper level is a smart move.

Actually, this should be a top priority when you first start dating because you’ll avoid many disagreements, and you’ll be much more compassionate and accepting of one another.

Nina looks forward to building a community of women who are looking to rediscover their True Self.

Truth Seekers wanting to grow and learn more about their Divinely Inspired personality type and how it influences you every day; in relationships, parenting, travel fashion, etc.

The idea is to fully understand your True Self, the self the Divine wants you to be.

It’s time to enjoy your gifts and genius, and most importantly, to bring your unique messages and mission to the world.

Nina is up for whatever it takes to make this happen.

Contact Nina here.